How to Include Languages on a CV
You may have strong multilingual capabilities - effective communication is a key skill in any job, therefore if you can speak different languages, it is beneficial to detail this. Even if you are not fully fluent in every language, you can still detail it, whilst noting down your level of proficiency.
Depending on the job, it can be very advantageous. For example, if you are applying for a job as a Sales Executive / Business Development Manager, it would be very beneficial if you can build rapport with customers if they speak a different native language and you can as well. This also goes for customer service jobs and if you are applying for jobs internationally, i.e. in Europe or the Middle East.
Can Languages Actually Make a Difference on a CV?
In today's global world and as technology evolves, businesses sell their products internationally more and more. This means dealing with people who speak a different language, and whether in a sales, operations or customer service capacity, if you can communicate with them in the most optimal way, this will help to achieve targets / KPIs successfully. You may be in a business development role which requires travel abroad, or in a retail position where face-to-face liaison is needed - languages can be of great help in these circumstances.
Where do you put Languages on a CV?
It tends to be standard practice to include languages on a CV either in the skills section or in a separate section (either at the beginning or end of the document). You can always include the level of proficiency in brackets after each language, i.e. native, fluent, intermediate or basic. Also, if you have any language certifications, it would be good to include these within the Education or Professional Training & Qualifications sections.
Languages may or may not be a focus of the job you are looking to apply for, however if they are, then it is pertinent to emphasise these strongly, higher up on your CV potentially (page 1). Remember, as well as languages, it is key to highlight all soft skills which you have, as this can make you stand out in a sea of candidates. Using professional CV writers can ensure that your linguistic capabilities are highlighted in the best way possible, which will be to your advantage.
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